Split-Dollar Insurance Plan

A split-dollar plan can provide insurance on the life of an employee (or his or her spouse) at a reduced cost to that individual. The premium for the insurance is shared by the employee and his or her employer.

Why Do You Need It?

From the employer's point of view, split-dollar is an inexpensive method of buying life insurance for any personal or business need. It is also an effective way to retain key executives. They receive needed personal insurance at a reduced cost. Yet, the business is reimbursed for every dollar it advances.

From the employee's point of view, split-dollar can help:

How Does it Work?

Split-Dollar: Four Questions to Ask

Virtually any split-dollar plan can be understood by asking and answering the following four questions:

  1. What is the split of the premium between the employer and the employee?
  2. What tax benefits, if any, does the plan offer?
  3. What is the split of death benefits between the employer and the employee's beneficiary?
  4. Who owns the cash values, and in what amounts?

Advantages of Split-Dollar Plans

For the Employer:

For the Employee: